摘要:本文给出了计算通风空调房间温度、速度分布所需的微分方程,湍流部分采用新的零方程模型,根据SIMPLE算法开发出计算通风空调房间风速、温度分布的软件STACH-3。在利用文献中的实验资料验证该软件的基础 上,对一个置换通风的例子,利用该软件预测房间内的温度场、速度场,从而指导通风空调的工程设计。 关键词:计算流体力学(CFD) 数学模型 室内空气分布 ABSTRACT The transportation equations necessary for the calculation of temperature and velocity ventilated or air conditioned room are presented in the paper. The tubulence is modeled by a new zero-equation. The software, known as STACH-3, for the numerical simulation of indoor air distribution is developed with SIMPLE algorithm. With the software, the distributions of temperature and velocity of a displacement ventilation room are predicated and the flow pattern are evaluated, which can favor the ventilation and air conditioning design. KEYWORDS CFD, Mathematical Model, indoor air distribution | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 引言
因此,只要给出了计算房间各待求变量的边界条件,运用数值计算方法,就可以得到房间各个位置的风速、温度,从而可以对通风空调房间内的环境进行评价。 |
摘要:本文给出了计算通风空调房间温度、速度分布所需的微分方程,湍流部分采用新的零方程模型,根据SIMPLE算法开发出计算通风空调房间风速、温度分布的软件STACH-3。在利用文献中的实验资料验证该软件的基础 上,对一个置换通风的例子,利用该软件预测房间内的温度场、速度场,从而指导通风空调的工程设计。 关键词:计算流体力学(CFD) 数学模型 室内空气分布 ABSTRACT The transportation equations necessary for the calculation of temperature and velocity ventilated or air conditioned room are presented in the paper. The tubulence is modeled by a new zero-equation. The software, known as STACH-3, for the numerical simulation of indoor air distribution is developed with SIMPLE algorithm. With the software, the distributions of temperature and velocity of a displacement ventilation room are predicated and the flow pattern are evaluated, which can favor the ventilation and air conditioning design. KEYWORDS CFD, Mathematical Model, indoor air distribution | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 引言
因此,只要给出了计算房间各待求变量的边界条件,运用数值计算方法,就可以得到房间各个位置的风速、温度,从而可以对通风空调房间内的环境进行评价。 |
5 置换通风房间数值模拟应用
模拟计算所得典型断面的速度温度分布如图4、5所示。由图可见,模拟所得速度流型符合置换通风的流动特性,送风以很低的速度送入,形成上升的热羽流,实验测得的流型和模拟所得流型非常吻合(图4),温度明显(图5),工作区内温度分布合理,满足人体要求。要详细的数值比较可参见文献[7],此处限于篇幅,不再详细列举。 参考文献1 沈晋明.保障室内空气品质的通风空调设计新思路.全国暖通空调制冷学术年会论文集.昆明:1996.108-111. 2 Weiran Xu. New Turbulence Models for Indoor Air Flow Simulation, Ph.D.thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. 3 Qingyan Chen, Weiran Xu.A Zreo-equation turbulence model for indoor air flow simulation, Energy and Building, 1998.28(2):137-144. 4 S.V.帕坦卡著,张政译.传热与流体流动的数值计算,北京:科学出版社.1989. 5 H.B.A WBI. Application of computational fluid dynamics in room ventilation. Building and Environment, 1989.24(1):73-83. 6 赵彬,李先庭,彦启森.用零方程湍流模型模拟通风空调室内流动.清华大学学报,(已录用),即将发表于2001,41(10)。 7 赵彬.室内空气流动的数值模拟.清华大学直博生确认硕士学位论文.清华大学,1999. 8 Xiaoxiong Yuan, Qingyan Chen Leon R.Glicksman, "Performance Evaluation and Development of Design Guideline for Displacement Ventilation", Final Report to ASHRAE TC5.3-Room Air Distribution on ASHRAE Research Research Project-RP-949. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||