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摘要 气流脉动频率是描述气流特征的因素之一,同时也是影响人体热感觉的一项重要因素。该文能过106名受试者在26~30.5℃温度范围内,两种相对湿度条件下的选择频率的研究,探讨了频率对人体热感觉的影响作用。利用主观评价法(投票法)的试验,结果发现,环境温度和相对湿度对人体选择频率的作用不显著。在实验工况下,超过80%的受试者选择了0.3~0.5Hz范围内的气流脉动频率,选择频率的平均值为0.4Hz。随着频率的增加,人体感受到的吹风强度逐渐减小,存在"感觉风速"的现象。本研究和Fanger的实验结果都证明:频率在0.3~0.5Hz范围内的气流对人体产生的冷作用最强。 关键词 气流脉动频率,人体热感觉,气流速度 Abstract Frequency is one factor describing air motion which is also an important parameter affecting human thermal response. This study investigated preferred frequencies in an isothermal environment for subjects in a the neutral-to-warm state. The temperature ranged from 26℃ to 30.5℃ and the relative humidity ranged from 35% to 65%. The results using a subjective assessment method (votes) showed that temperature and humidity do significantly affect the preferred frequencies with more than 80 percent of the subjects chosing frequencies from 0.3 to 0.5Hz. With increasing frequency, the "sensed velocity" of the air movement decreased. This study and Fanger's experimental results both prove that air movements with frequencies from 0.3 to 0.5 Hz have the strongest cooling effect on the human body. Keywords air motion frequency; human thermal response; air movement | |
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